The All Natural Odor Eliminator Spray

Pet Odors Use

Eliminate Pet Urine Odor From Carpets and Floors

  1. Locate the source of the urine odor, whether by sight or smell. You may need to use a fluorescent black light, which will show you the exact outline of the urine stain. Black lights can be purchased in most pet stores. (Black lights cause the proteins in the urine to glow so you can see them in the dark.)
  2. It is best to not shampoo the carpet first. However, if you already have done so, let the carpet dry completely before applying PureAyre. However, if you’re working with a new urine spot, soak up as much urine as possible before treating with PureAyre.
  3. Use the STREAM setting on the PureAyre bottle.
  4. Hold the sprayer nozzle about an inch above the carpet and squeeze the trigger to ensure that PureAyre gets pressed down into the padding and flooring as much as possible. Liberally spray on and around the urine spot. Keep in mind that the urine spot may be 4 inches in diameter on the surface, but it can be 28 inches in diameter on the bottom of the carpet or in the padding.
  5. Spray liberally, but don’t saturate the urine spot. A 22-ounce bottle of PureAyre will go further and treat more odors than two gallons of the leading odor eliminators.
  6. PureAyre’s unique enzymes need oxygen to work so don’t cover the area with towels or plastic. With the help of oxygen, PureAyre will break down the urine.
  7. If the odor has permeated the flooring, you may need to pull back the carpet and padding and scrub PureAyre into the floor. Make sure to scrub really well to work PureAyre into the whole area that is contaminated. Let the area dry completely before putting the carpet back into place.
  8. If you smell more odor, PureAyre did not contact the entire source of the odor. You may need to use a black light, as mentioned above. Try again to locate the full odor source and repeat these steps.


Eliminate Pet Urine Odors From Upholstered Furniture

  1. Follow step 1 through 4 for carpets and floors.
  2. If the odor persists, you may need to inject PureAyre deep into the upholstery with a syringe. You can buy a syringe at a feed store or a carpet shop. Purchase a large syringe so you can inject a sufficient amount of PureAyre into the upholstery to contact as much of the odor source as possible.


Eliminate Pet Urine Odors From Clothing

Spray PureAyre directly onto clothing. Rub in to the fibers if necessary. Do not rinse out. PureAyre is safe to use on all fabrics including leather, suede, satin and silk, but you may want to test an inconspicuous spot first.


Removing Pet Urine Odors From Bedding

Spray PureAyre directly onto the bedding. If the bedding is thick, use the STREAM setting to penetrate deeply. PureAyre is safe to spray directly on and around all animal bedding. If the odor persists, PureAyre didn’t come into contact with the entire odor source. Repeat these steps.


You can also use the washing machine to remove pet urine odors from clothing and bedding by adding at least 4 ounces of PureAyre to the wash or rinse setting.

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