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Around The House
Eliminate Odors from Your Home Onions frying, week-old garbage, skunk, cigarette smoke, mildew, vomit, diaper pails, bathrooms… The world is full of stinky smells. Get rid of them safely with PureAyre, the most powerful odor eliminator you can buy! Because it is all natural and plant-based, PureAyre is the only food-grade odor eliminator available, making […]
Eliminate Disgusting Boating Smells PureAyre is a naturally powerful way to get rid of stinky marine and boat odors from: fish, bilge, diesel fuels, mold and mildew, cigarette and cigar smoke, cooking, pet urine, garbage, gasoline, boat engine exhaust, vomit, flatulence, wet clothes, wet suits, fecal matter and more. Control the Smells in Your Environment […]
Safe for Pets
PureAyre Means Safe Pet Odor Elimination What makes PureAyre the safest way to eliminate pet odors? It’s all natural, yet it’s also all-powerful. PureAyre all natural because it’s derived from plants. It’s all-powerful because it contains enzymes that break apart the bonds of odor-causing compounds. The trick is, we’ve figured out how to bottle just […]
Safe for People
If you’ve been wary of odor eliminators with questionable ingredients, or you’re tired of wasting money on those that really don’t work, now you can breathe easier… literally. PureAyre really works, yet it’s all natural and safe enough to spray directly on and around people. With PureAyre, You Can Safely Eliminate Odors: In […]
ODOR ELIMINATOR FOR ALL PETS PureAyre: Because You Love Your Pets But Not Their Odors PureAyre’s pure and powerful all-natural formula lets you get rid of pet odors without the dangers of chemicals, bacteria or alcohol. It’s strong enough to get rid of really bad smells like cat urine and even skunk, yet safe […]
PUREAYRE ODOR ELIMINATOR FOR YOUR HOME Pure. Powerful. Guaranteed.SM If you’re looking for an odor eliminator that really works, without exposing you or your family to risky chemicals, choose the natural alternative. Choose PureAyre. PureAyre is the strongest, most effective odor eliminator you can buy, and it’s completely safe. Because it’s all natural, […]
Compare Effectiveness of Odor Eliminators
See how well popular odor eliminators (PureAyre, electric air cleaners, Ozium, Ozone, Lysol, Oust, Citrus and candles) eliminate pet, urine, bathroom, cooking, cigarette, cigar and other smoke odors from air, fabrics, carpets and other surfaces. Check out the safety ratings, too. Many products are not safe to use near food, pets and children. […]
Skunk Case Study
Small Home Office Skunked Small business owner Sharon Long of We Know Words ( works from a beautifully decorated small office on her property in Kent, Washington. Recently it was skunked by a local resident critter making a home in the crawl space. "Yuk! It really smells bad in here," said her office assistant, "and […]
The home remedies got "skunked": tomato juice didn’t work. Beer was busted. Douche (vinegar and water) was busted. The hydrogen peroxide formula was partially confirmed, BUT cannot be used around eyes nor in the nose and mouth. Read One Customer’s Skunk Story The big problem is that when your pet gets sprayed by a […]